Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Wasting days wishing for this and that
Thinking of me, mine and... hey get back
As a young child I quickly caught on...
The all too common wish, it was all wrong
A little brother, who at best, will always be ill
I no longer wished for this and that... for he is
Naive to the cruel path awaiting, our hearts be still...
I would often cry to sleep, thinking the thoughts
He would someday face, by the force of nature.
Why do I have to die... What did I do...
I never hurt anybody... I never wanted to...
Then the day came... and the thoughts arose...
Dying inside... and nobody knows...
All he asked for was a life and a job
When denied two simple things... if asked
He'd tell you... I'm glad it's me and not you.
Him looking up to me, ended up twisted around.
A man of men, I look up to him and proud.
He passed out more smiles than "The Clown"
A little brother at best... a Hero at the least.

November 10, 2003

1 comment:

Dollar Kidd said...

About the fact that I began wishing for a full normal lifefor my bother at about age 10 or 11, I was 8 years older than him.
It bothered me to hear friends wish for things other than for the chance for a sibling to have a normal life. I was jealous and angered by this.